100% natural and unbleached FSC™ rolling papers and filter tips.
ECO grinders made of recycled plastic, straight out of the Dutch cannabis industry.

And many more products for your green. Good for yourself, good for the world.

This is Greengo

Green Vibes Only

Sustainable and pure. That’s what green can do. Check out our extensive range of smoking gear. Without the bleach, your left with the good stuff. 

100% Chlorine-free

Greengo rolling papers are
the purest rolling papers on the global market.

100% Unbleached

No chemicals are used in the development of our products.

100% Recycled

Our packaging is made from recycled paper and FSC™ certified.

Green needs green

Green, pure, natural and sustainable

You use the best stuff with the best gear. Why would you use rolling papers and tips that contain harmful substances? You don’t need that! Why wouldn’t your grinder simply be made out of recycled weed boxes? Green and cool. Go green, go Greengo!

Every time I roll up, it’s pure and natural

Where can you buy Greengo?
